Welcome to St. Patrick Co-Cathedral
Billings, MT
Join Us
Daily Mass
Weekend Masses
Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:00am and 10:30am (live streamed) |
Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser
Tickets sold after Mass Feb 15-16, online or at the door. $15/person, $5/ children 4 and up. Ticket purchase includes a plated dinner, salad and dessert served by Saint Patrick Youth, free games of Bingo and access to raffle baskets. All proceeds will benefit future youth events, retreats, field trips and Catholic youth conferences. Thank you for your support!
Gaudete Open House at the Parish House

Come join fellow parishioners at an Open House at the priest residence. This will take place on Gaudete Sunday, December 15th, anytime between 2 - 7 pm. Join us for some appetizers and beverages which will include meat and cheese, crackers, fruit and veggies, cookies, Tom and Jerrys, Italian Sodas, and non-homebrewed beer. Get a chance to know Father Leo, Father John, Helen (the housekeeper) and Rex (the new puppy) in a more relaxed environment.
Adult Christmas Choir
We finally have just enough voices to create a small adult "ensemble" but need more voices to be promoted to "choir!" We are planning to have practices on Thursdays at 7 pm in preparation for singing at the 10:30 Christmas Mass, then hopefully once a month after Christmas. If you would like to be part of the choir even on an irregular basis, please call or text Veronica at 406-860-1064 or [email protected].
Set up online giving.
Set up online giving.
Read our parish bulletin for announcements, updates and events.
Read our parish bulletin for announcements, updates and events.
Parish Calendar
Stay up to date with our parish events, Mass schedule and additional services by viewing our online calendar.
Stay up to date with our parish events, Mass schedule and additional services by viewing our online calendar.
Prayer Requests
If you have particular requests for which you need prayer, let us know.
If you have particular requests for which you need prayer, let us know.
Live Streamed Mass
A special thank you to our friends of Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana for helping us to provide live stream services!
Sunday 10:30am Mass live streamed
A special thank you to our friends of Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana for helping us to provide live stream services!
Sunday 10:30am Mass live streamed
Did you know that St. Patrick Co-Cathedral has a parish subscription to FORMED.org? You can sign up to use this great resource today.
1. Visit FORMED.org 2. Click Sign Up 3. Select "Sign Up As A Parishioner" 4. Find St Patrick Co-Cathedral by parish name, address, or zip code 5. Enter your email - and you're in! |
Faith Resources
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