Resuming Mass May 2-3
Those over 65 or with underlying health conditions are still expected to shelter in place and should not attend Mass until this restriction is lifted.
On Wednesday Gov. Bullock approved the opening of churches beginning April 26. Here at St. Patrick we will begin public Masses May 2-3. Bp. Warfel and the Priests’ Council have issued the following requirements for safely reopening our churches and celebrating Mass:
We will begin by having Masses at 5:00 p.m. Saturday and at 10:30 Sunday so that we have time to sanitize the church building between services. Prior to that we must remove all missalettes from the pews and mark off appropriate spacing to help with maintaining spatial distancing, hence our delay in starting. We will need to use every other pew in order to do so. ONCE THE CHURCH’S CAPACITY IS REACHED HONORING SPATIAL DISTANCE CRITERIA, WE WILL HAVE TO TURN PEOPLE AWAY. If we find we can get the church sanitized quickly enough to add an 8:00 a.m. Mass, and the numbers require it, we will do so.
We will provide hand sanitizer for everyone to use on entering the church (still maintaining spatial distancing). We strongly recommend you wear a facemask.
Only the main entrance to the church will be open. The north door and parish center door will remain locked.
Confessions will be heard Saturdays [beginning May 2] from 3:00-4:00 in Fr. Grosch’s office in order to guarantee the appropriate spatial distancing as well as confidentiality. The button to open the door to the parish center will be activated to let you in. Spatial distancing as you wait must be maintained.
Starting May 5, there will be daily Mass on Tuesday and Thursday at 12:10, enabling us to sanitize the church between Masses.
Please respect these restrictions so that we can move closer to “normalcy”.
Those over 65 or with underlying health conditions are still expected to shelter in place and should not attend Mass until this restriction is lifted.
On Wednesday Gov. Bullock approved the opening of churches beginning April 26. Here at St. Patrick we will begin public Masses May 2-3. Bp. Warfel and the Priests’ Council have issued the following requirements for safely reopening our churches and celebrating Mass:
- Spatial distancing [6 feet] must be maintained between families and other families and individuals at all times (entering and leaving church, with seating, during communion procession).
- There will be no greeting of peace.
- There will be no offertory collection or procession (there will be a basket in the Gathering Area for offerings).
- Holy Communion must be received in the hand.
- The Communion line will be single file, respecting 6’ distancing
- The church and restrooms must be sanitized after each service.
We will begin by having Masses at 5:00 p.m. Saturday and at 10:30 Sunday so that we have time to sanitize the church building between services. Prior to that we must remove all missalettes from the pews and mark off appropriate spacing to help with maintaining spatial distancing, hence our delay in starting. We will need to use every other pew in order to do so. ONCE THE CHURCH’S CAPACITY IS REACHED HONORING SPATIAL DISTANCE CRITERIA, WE WILL HAVE TO TURN PEOPLE AWAY. If we find we can get the church sanitized quickly enough to add an 8:00 a.m. Mass, and the numbers require it, we will do so.
We will provide hand sanitizer for everyone to use on entering the church (still maintaining spatial distancing). We strongly recommend you wear a facemask.
Only the main entrance to the church will be open. The north door and parish center door will remain locked.
Confessions will be heard Saturdays [beginning May 2] from 3:00-4:00 in Fr. Grosch’s office in order to guarantee the appropriate spatial distancing as well as confidentiality. The button to open the door to the parish center will be activated to let you in. Spatial distancing as you wait must be maintained.
Starting May 5, there will be daily Mass on Tuesday and Thursday at 12:10, enabling us to sanitize the church between Masses.
Please respect these restrictions so that we can move closer to “normalcy”.